eLearning produces a winner!

The winner of the Co-Lab Learning eLearning competition, LearnFest, is Luke Liu from Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC).  Congrats Luke! Luke works as a Fleet Coordinator for RLC, after starting as an intern with council in December 2023 in the project management office. Jenny Grace, Co-Lab Learning’s regional manager, presented Luke with the $100 Prezzy Card at Rotorua […]

Waikato District Council launches Co-Lab Learning

The Waikato District Council team have embraced the opportunities for learning and development available to them through Co-Lab Learning. More than 200 staff members attended three information sessions on 10th September, provided by Jenny Grace, Regional Manager of Co-Lab Learning. Jenny said “The interest in all three Co-Lab Learning sessions was really evident by the […]

LearnFest – win a $100 prezzy card!

The 23-27 September is learning and development week.  To celebrate, Co-Lab Learning and council are running an eLearning competition, with a $100 prezzy card up for grabs. To be in to win, simply complete two eLearning modules: Managing stress and fatigue Dealing with challenging customers   These modules have been selected in support of mental […]

TCDC staff love Co-Lab Learning!

The Co-Lab Learning team were warmly welcomed to Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC) recently to update the staff on what is available to them from Co-Lab Learning.  Approximately 60 staff from across the council attended the short session in the beautiful Council Chambers and online, followed by a morning tea.  The session was also recorded and […]

The Sorted video library

As we start to prepare for the holiday season, now is a good time to plan for how you will successfully navigate this time of year financially.  The Sorted website offers a huge range of resources on this topic, including a full video library of how-to’s and webinars.  Check it out here While you’re there, […]

eLearning results in chocolate!

The Co-Lab Trade Waste team have led the charge to take up eLearning now available to them via Co-Lab Learning.  Team member Taydra Cole-Williamson took out the top prize for all of Co-Lab by completing 21 modules during the month of September.  The prize-winning recipient of chocolate reflected that she made the most of little […]

TCDC launch Co-Lab Learning in style!

Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC) launched Co-Lab Learning with their staff today in style!  The People & Capability team could be seen sporting fabulous badges and distributing chocolates to staff who have responded to the launch information.  Pictured with Lisa Taiapa, Megan Murch, and Jackie van Zijl is Jenny Grace from Co-Lab Learning.  The team were […]

30+ eLearning modules available – and growing

Thanks to the awesome work of our eLearning Development Unit (ELDU), as well as an ever-growing collection of modules from other sources, we now have more than thirty eLearning modules available for you to choose from.  And we are continuing to develop and source more content for you all the time – so check back […]

Workshops and courses available – register now!

We now have a selection of workshop topics available for you to attend: TetraMap – Why Are You Like That?  CANCELLED An Introduction to Group Facilitation Skills Introduction to Design Thinking Resilience During Change To find out more about these workshop topics, and to register for one of them, click here

Microsoft Teams modules are here

Waikato Regional Council have very kindly made their eLearning modules about using Microsoft Teams available to Co-Lab Learning.  We hope you enjoy learning more about using Microsoft Teams as a result!

Our strategic plan

The Co-Lab Learning strategic plan was developed by our Advisory Group.  The plan sets out our vision, the key areas of focus for the next three years, and the values that guide our work.