How to speak so that people want to listen

Have you ever felt like you’re talking, but nobody is listening?  Here’s Julian Treasure to help.  In this useful talk, the sound expert demonstrates the how-to’s of powerful speaking – from some handy vocal exercises to tips on how to speak with empathy.  A talk that might help the world sound more beautiful.

3 secrets of resilient people: Dr Lucy Hone

Everyone experiences loss, but how do you cope with the tough moments that follow? Resilience researcher Lucy Hone shares three hard-won strategies for developing the capacity to brave adversity, overcome struggle and face whatever may come head-on with fortitude and grace.

NZS 3910: 2023 – Top 10 things to know

A resource produced by MinterEllisonRuddWatts to assist with understanding the key features of the new standard.  Please note that this resource DOES NOT constitute legal advice, rather, it should be used to supplement other learning you may do on this topic.  Contact us if you’d like to find out about courses that are available. nzs-3910-2023-top-10-things-to-know-902051931-1_1

Hungry, humble & smart – the ideal team player

Patrick Lencioni thinks it it time to change the way we prepare people for success. Drawing from his book, The Ideal Team Player, Lencioni makes a compelling case that the key to success in an increasingly team-oriented world is being humble, hungry and smart.

Employment relations resources and learning

Ever wondered about the difference between a permanent and casual employment agreement?  Are you looking to recruit staff from overseas?  Check out the extensive learning and resources available from Employment NZ for both employees and employers.

Working in a shared space

This resource was developed by Waikato Regional Council to help staff adjust to working in their new building.  If you work in a shared space, you might like to use this as a guide for a discussion with your own team about what will work for you (and what won’t)!  

Pukapuka rātaka akoranga – Learning journal

Looking for a space to record and reflect on the learning you do at council?  Proudly brought to you by the Co-Lab Learning councils, your Pukapuka Rātaka Akoranga Learning Journal is here!  Download a copy for your own use either electronically or in printed form, and start to track the learning you do and the […]

Council jargon & acronyms

Wondering what the difference between a BCA and a CCO is?  Take a look at some of the most commonly used jargon and acronyms in local government.  And let us know if you come across any more that could be added to the list! Council jargon and acronyms 2024

Brave in business eLearning series

Brought to you by in partnership with Spark, the Institute of Organisational Psychology and The Wellbeing Works, are a great series of eLearning modules about: Mental flexibility Perform under pressure Improve your mental and physical wellbeing Make the most of your time and energy   Click here to access this fantastic resource!

Getting learning to ‘stick’

Want some help turning what you learn into a change in your work habits?  Take a look at these two resources designed to help learning ‘stick’ and to pick ONE thing you learned that you will act on over the next 30 days. CLL learning transfer guide CLL 130 tool