Growing people to do great things for our communities

TCDC staff love Co-Lab Learning!

The Co-Lab Learning team were warmly welcomed to Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC) recently to update the staff on what is available to them from Co-Lab Learning.  Approximately 60 staff from across the council attended the short session in the beautiful Council Chambers and online, followed by a morning tea.  The session was also recorded and made available via the council intranet afterwards.


James Robinson (Hamilton City Council) and Jenny Grace (Co-Lab Learning) provided an overview of the service, its platform, and showcased some of the learning opportunities available to staff.  “We were delighted with the enthusiasm of the TCDC team, who asked us some great questions about the service and the learning that is available to them” said James.


Popular eLearning topics with TCDC staff include wellbeing, diversity and inclusion, and communication tools.  Staff are also taking up opportunities to attend workshops and courses organised by Co-Lab Learning.  “Just last week several staff from the TCDC team attended some of the procurement training courses we made available, and TCDC will be hosting more of this training in Thames later this year” said Jenny.  “We’re looking forward to continuing to work with TCDC to grow their people to do great things for their community in the future” she said.


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